The first step to filling an open position at your company is writing a great job ad. The crucial thing is to understand that a Job Ad is not a Job Description. In fact, although they are equally effective at conveying information in their own ways, the two documents are fundamentally different. Here, we'll look at the top 5 tips for creating the most effective job advertisements to attract the right candidates to apply for your roles.
Firstly, What is a Job Ad?
A job ad is a marketing tool. It is designed to attract applicants who employers will then screen and select. It describes the position in terms of what it does (and will do) for applicants—the benefits it offers them, what the company can do to encourage their creativity, or progression opportunities as part of their local team. In this sense, it's much more like an "advertisement" than an actual full description of the job itself (which might be published internally only). The opening aspect of your job ad should include the key benefits to really attract candidates. Many companies make the mistake of leading this with some “about us” information, which can be disengaging.
1. Address the Candidate Directly
Effective job ads are written in the 2nd person – i.e., they enable the candidate to imagine themselves working in the role. For example, with a good job ad we might expect to see something like “You will work as part of a small team based in Cork with a passion for marketing”, or “You are a motivated self-starter with an eye for detail and enthusiastic about all things marketing”. The way the ad is written encourages the reader to see themselves doing the job, part of that team, and in a particular place. This can help improve applications.
2. Short Description
When candidates are looking for relevant openings, they often encounter multiple opportunities on one page. This is where the short description on your job can really help to entice candidates to read on. It’s important to keep the text simple and clear. A clear structure makes it easier for people to read through quickly, understand what's expected in the role, and decide whether or not they think they're qualified for the position based on their own skill sets.
3. Job Title
You might feel the need to include a full job title in your job ad for absolute clarity. However, your job title should be snappy enough that is relatable to candidates you’re looking to apply. Internal job titles that have little meaning to external applicants can be off-putting, even if someone is the perfect person for the role.
4. Avoid Internal Jargon
As with the job title and short description section, a job ad should avoid using language that is unfamiliar or overly specialist. Many companies use terminology and acronyms that are exclusive to their business but using them in a job ad will likely make any potential candidates feel like they don’t understand the role and are therefore unsuitable.
We are extremely proud to have achieved ISO certification, which represents another milestone in our journey moving forward. We must say a big thank you to our implementation team who were integral to the successful delivery of the project.
Our QMS team will ensure effective implementation of the ISO Quality Management System
If you have any questions or need additional one-to-one support in preparing an interview plan for your next hiring campaign, contact our Employer Services team today. Click here to see how we can help or email us on
Benamore Business Park, Dublin Road,
Roscrea, County Tipperary
Turas Nua Limited. Registered Office: Benamore Business Park, Dublin Road, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. Registered in Ireland No 539368
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